Performance Improvement Intervention (PII)
Stanley Middle School
Problem Summary: The learning environment and classroom design is not conducive to 21st learning. It is designed for the factory model of learning to output a product that would fit the industrial needs of society. (Toffler, 2010).
Background of Organization:
- The school was built around 1940
- Located in Stanley, NC
- Currently serves middle school students
- Information needed to improve learning would be 21st learning designs, data on student skills and abilities, data on 21st century learning, financial cost of new design and new software.
- School Website:
- Some data is a matter of public records and I would have access to my own student data.
Stakeholders and Decision Makers
- Students and Teacher would both be affected by the new learning design
- The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction are responsible for classroom design and curriculum design. Other policy makers include North Carolina Legislators. Also Important to implementation of a new learning environment are local educational leaders, community leaders, and Parents.
- Key personnel in the organization that can provide insights into the performance problem Are the Administration, Technology Facilitators, and Teachers.